Attending an appointment at Selly Park Dental Centre
These are our guidelines for attending appointments. We ask for your understanding in our safety procedures for both you and our team.
- Please only arrive a few minutes before your appointment.
- Masks are only advised while in the practice.
- Please use the hand sanitiser in the porch area when you arrive.
- If you are late for your appointment for any reason, unfortunately we may not be able to see you, Please call us if you are running late.
- If you have a cough, cold, sore throat, cold sores, have been asked to self-isolate or a family member has covid, you will be asked to rebook your appointment as we will be unable to see you.
- If you fail a routine appointment there will be a charge of £45. If you fail a treatment appointment this charge may be higher depending on the length of time booked.
Kind regards,
Selly Park Dental Centre